Life After the 30th? The 31st!
This late breaking news was received on April 19th -- and it's no April Fools joke. RHINO's has been sold! It is in escrow--and may be in the hands of the new proprietor, Patrick Padilla, by the time we get there! It appears that the new purveyor of fine spirits has been enlightened (warned?) about The Fishin' Mission, and will do us right! We'll miss JR and Missy in their aprons, but maybe be able to get a little more of JR's time for fishin' and golf while we're there?
Congrats to JR and Missy!!!!
As you get up in the years, and start moving a little slower--like many of you limperdicks……………..you pause………..you ponder …. …...and you wonder…… Geez, after THIRTY of these Annual Fishin Mission Extravaganzas--can their still be life? ABSO-FUCKIN-LUTELY!!! One only has to shift their eyes slightly to the right to see the living proof--no matter how fuckin' old we get--we are still young turks, with fishin' at heart! Or maybe just seniors who have just forgotten their medication? Oh well…. The 31st Annual was the usual mix of events--cocktails, golf, NBA Playoffs, cards, dice, and at least "talk" of fishin' - you know It's Not About the Fishin"!! It was also the usual mix of attendees (please see the
After realizing he'd left his medication at home, SPERM still found a way to keep his head on straight while at Rhino's--remembering his small part in the Wizard of Oz from when he was just a child!
article below to make sure your attendance was at least recorded for posterity!!) You should also read on to learn more about an interesting fund raising event involving ampulation! And find out about Glow Ball Golf!
Learn more about the generosity of members like BT, who take care of their amigo's even when they can't be there personally! Some say that the value of the task is measured by the commitment of the team…..I just say……………..read on!
The 31st Annual was well-attended, and those who were there know it was special. Only the truly committed show up for the first mission after such a landmark event as the 30th! After keying all of the hand-recorded attendees into an Excel Spreadsheet, and
then cross referencing to the mailing list--it appears that we had 56 ATTENDEES! Coming in from Vegas, Phoenix, Victorville, and parts west, on Friday morning, after breakfast in Lone Pine --LTR, T, CR, Walkbucks, OD, Doc, Lewd, POD, Aden, Rick, Omar and
his two growing boys, and new guys--Brett, Mike, Tim and Ted. Got to Rhino's and met up with Sparky, Morgy (new style--may be Spikes for now) Dennis and Kevin Bernard, and five of their friends. con't on
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