More on the  "Yellow-Legged" Frog

In the Fishin' Mission Journal printed on April 15, 2001 we had reported on the yellow-legged frog, an indigenous and endangered frog in the high lakes area--that most speculated were in danger due to trout stocking--which had negatively impacted frog habitat. While further studies were done, stocking was halted in some high lakes.

In the Winter 2002 Issue of Streamkeepers Log, there is information on a new study which has compelling statistics pointing to Central Valley pesticides as the culprit. They are finding "substantial levels of pesticides in both the water and the bodies of frogs in the High Sierra. No surprise, since over 6,000 tons of pesticides are sprayed in the Central Valley--and some is making its way on the winds to the high lakes! The pesticides suppress enzymes vital for muscle control and survival. Shit!


The Commish has withdrawn his threat to eliminate members strictly because of a lack of attendance.  When recently queried on the subject, the Commish said "I'm in charge because I appear to be the only one with a capacity for abstract thought!" I see…………..

JR was quoted as saying, "these guys are half Fishin' and half Mission!" I see………..

Judge Ito and Quiet were left off the attendee list for the 27th! I don't see………….

So…….What about the 29th??
They say "it's a fool that looks for logic in the open heart" but it's time you dealt with it!
The 29th Annual Fishin Mission has many attributes:
1. It's the last one before the 30th Annual!
2.  It's the only place you can go where you really ARE in charge!
3. It's the only place you can spend that wooden beer token you've had in your ash tray since last year!
4. It's the last one before your next birthday!
5. It's the only place you can wear the same clothes for days on end!
6. It's never too late to meet up with your friends again!
Sure hope you give this one serious thought, from the heart, and make the commitment to be there! It will change your life forever!

"Clipboard Chronology" (con't)